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Ruddy Duck Brewery and Grill

If you ever go down to visit Solomon's Island from Baltimore/DC, you may notice the Ruddy Duck on your left as you head down to the island.  Far enough away from the main strip, there may be an inkling to stop in and have a bite.  If you're a beer nerd like I am, then all it takes is the word "brewery" in the name to pique your interest.

Walking in, a sandwich board in the hostess area informed me that the Ruddy Duck's crab cakes were voted the best in Southern MD.  Well, such a bold claim certainly grabbed mine.  I mean, how could I pass up a tasty crab cake after a day of taking pictures at Annmarie Garden?  Certainly not this guy.  So were they worth all the fuss?  Check it out!

 Crab cakes are market priced.  Sandwich comes with tartar sauce and a choice of fries, pineapple slaw or salad.  Entree comes with fries and pineapple cole slaw.  Also available is a steak and cake with mashed potatoes and vegetables.

While this cake is on the saucy side, the crab meat is super sweet and tasty.  According to the restaurant, the jumbo lump is always fresh, never pasteurized, and it shows.  The spicing of Old Bay and Hellman's accentuates the sweetness of the crab nicely without overpowering.  

I can certainly see why this was voted the best crab cake in Southern MD.  There is still some breadyness to the cake despite the sauce, but it is that perfect balance that seems elusive in the crab cake world.  The kaiser roll is light and fluffy, and stays out of the way of the cake.  The tomato slice could be a bit thinner, and less lettuce used.  This is one cake that you would certainly want to order "on crackers" so you can enjoy it in all of its splendor uninhibited.  Definitely go for the fries, they're beach style, which are super delicious. 

Ruddy Duck Brewery and Grill Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Additional Info

  • Restaurant Name: Ruddy Duck Brewery & Grill
  • Address: 13200 Dowell Rd Dowell, MD 20629
  • Neighborhood: Solomon's Island
  • Restaurant Type: Local
  • Review Date: 09/11/2011 3:05pm
  • Atmosphere: Not Busy to Moderate
  • Item(s) Ordered: Crab Cake Sandwich
  • Cooking Style: Oven Baked
  • Other Styles Available: No
  • Available by mail order?: No
  • Price: 20.50
  • Order Type: Sandwich
  • Crab Content: Jumbo Lump
  • Filler: Minimal
  • Spice: Average
  • Overall Impression: Outstanding
  • Rating (out of 5 crabs):


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