- Written by Crab Cake Review
- Published in Announcements
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Site Maintenance
The CCR will be moving domain registrars due to Go Daddy's vocal support of the pending SOPA legislation. We apologize in advance for any inconveniences this move may cause (although hopefully there will be no issues).
While we support copyright holder's rights to their intellectual property, this legistation has the potential to allow the US to shut down entire websites because of a single infringement claim, resulting in the censorship of the Internet much like China and Iran do. The language of this legistlation is very broad, and is being written by congressmen who admittedly know nothing about how Internet technology works. The ramifications on free speech and innovation could be disasterous due to the potential for abuses of power. We encourage you to learn more about this issue and to take action if you are opposed.
Update: GoDaddy has since modified their position on SOPA, due to the ongoing outrage across the Internet, as well as the increased amount of domain transfers. While retracting their vocal support, they have not opposed to the law. The CCR will still moving forward with the domain transfer. Please bear with us during the transfer process should any site outages occur, as GoDaddy has been interfering with the transfer process.