Weekly reviews of crab cakes around the MD and DC area

Mar 25, 2025


The other weekend was Honfest, which despite all the controversy surrounding it, is a festival celebrating Baltimore and the hard working ladies of the 50's and 70's with their beehive hairdos and cat's eye glasses, otherwise known as Hons.  This yearly festival brings thousands to The Avenue (aka 36th St) in Hampden.  If you were there, you were most likely distracted by all of the activities going on and all of the other food vendors selling everything from grilled cheese to, yes, crab cakes.  Even without the distractions, it may be easy to miss one of Hampden's newest eateries, Alchemy.  Recently opened back in December 2010, Alchemy bills itself as a modern American eatery, that also boasts The Avenue's only champagne brunch.  Looking to escape the heat and craziness of Honfest, the CCR stepped inside to sample what they had on offer.  Read on to see how it all went down!